Re-Investigating the Way:Zhu Xi’s Daoxue

Re-Investigating the Way:Zhu Xi’s Daoxue
John H. Berthrong
This essay presents in outline of an argument for interpreting Zhu Xi’s (1130-1200) mature Daoxue 道學philosophy in terms of an architectonic of four configurative traits: form, dynamics, unification, and value. Further, it is proposed that Zhu’s Daoxue ought to be considered a form of axiology in terms of contemporary comparative global philosophical dialogue. It is important to try to present Zhu’s Daoxue or Teaching of the Way as a living philosophical option and not just a historical artifact; it is, as David Hall and Roger Ames have explained, a fine example of ars contextualis or the art of the contextual as a form of relational axiology. One of the chief examples adduced to sustain this thesis is Zhu’s theory of cheng 誠 or self-realization. Further, there is also an extended discussion of the formative role of li 理 principle and qi 氣 vital force as critical elements of the structure of Zhu’s thought.
Zhu Xi, Li (Principle, Order, Vital Pattern), Li (Principle, Order, Vital Pattern), Qi (Vital Force, Material-Force, Energy), Cheng (Sincerity, Self-Realization), Taiji (Supreme Ultimate/Supreme Polarity), Axiology/Theory of Value
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