Review on the Convergent Types of the ModernKnowledges in East Asia

Review on the Convergent Types of the ModernKnowledges in East Asia
Kwang-Rae Lee
Although the cultures in three nations of East Asia have been traditionally intra-culture, but the integration through cultural exchange between the East and West has been inter-culture. This is also shown in the formation of modern knowledge. It comes from culture-physiological difference between crossing of the same kind and crossing of different kinds in terms of recognition and acceptance of others. Also, it also originates from difference in cognitive perspective between microscopic view and macroscopic view of the phenomenon and method of acceptance and integration.
It is a fact that the three countries showed similar yet different types of convergence of knowledge between the East and the West. It was a convergence of non-spontaneous defense in the midst of shock from the modern knowledge and culture of the West. As a result, the formation of modern knowledge in the three countries of East Asia created eclecticism of the orthodox tradition and Western and modern scientism, producing new types of knowledge from power (pouvoir) and knowledge (savoir), such as the paradigm of knowledge including the enlightenment from the West in Korea, China, and Japan.
East Asia, Intellectual formation, Cultural formation, modern, Knowledge
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