From Self-Cultivation to Accomplishing Exploits in Family and Nation—On the Way of the Great Learning
From Self-Cultivation to Accomplishing Exploits in Family and Nation—On the Way of the Great Learning
Zhi-hong HU
The way of the Great Learning which takes the morally political practice and theoretical teaching by ancient sages is formed among Warring States and Qin and Han dynasties, it had exerted a greater and greater thinking influence in Chinese ancient societies over two thousand. The way of the Great Learning which links up studying physical nature (格物), extending knowledge (致知), making will sincere (誠意), rectifying mind (正心), and cultivating character (修身), but separates or develops gradually regulating family (齊家), making state in order (治國), and bringing peace to the world (平天下), indicates clearly that all persons must take self-cultivation as their foundation, thereby achieve to manifest the clear character (明明德), love the people (親民), and abide in the highest good (止於至善) based on their subjective and objective conditions. The way of the Great Learning takes body-mind overall practice as the foundation which moral virtue can be achieved. The outlook of ins and outs, body and mind, and moral society of the way of the Great Learning still have real value for
persons' self-cultivation, conduct in society, as well as for making a harmonious society.
the Way of the Great Learning, period in the author's life, the thinking which inheriting and passing on, the access to virtue, knowing as a transformative act, contemporary significance
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